New Season! New Venue
mån 17 jan.
|Medborgarhuset Gamlestaden
Tid och plats
17 jan. 2022 18:00 – 22:00
Medborgarhuset Gamlestaden, Brahegatan 11, 415 01 Göteborg, Sverige
Om evenemanget
We are happy to announce the new season in Fuego Dance School
The season will start in a new venue with more rooms and different levels in Bachata Sensual and Bachata Fusion.
Open house: Monday 17th January
Time: Every Monday 17 Weeks
1 Course 1600kr
2 Courses 2900kr
3 Courses 4200kr
Half course - 35% discount
Sign up in our website www.fuegodanceschool.con
Adress (New Venue!)
Brahegatan 11a
415 01 Göteborg
Fuego Dance School
Regarding to Covid-19 situation we need to do small changes and at the same time give you information:
To able to attend at the Open House January you MUST sign up. That’s because of the new restrictions that’s allows to have 20 people in the same room. To sign up you have to:
1. Go to
2. Go to Föranmälan/Nivån
3. Scroll down Write “Open house” and which levels you want to try on that day
Everyone who attends Open House takes precedence to semester classes.
Because of the limited spots, you MUST sign up for the semester classes to be sure that you can attend. When a class reaches 20 students, we will close the class!
We had a with Medborgarhuset about our rooms. Room number 3 is a small one (compared with the other two) and they decided to not arrange dance I’m there. Because of that, we have to cancel the dance class in room 3.
Like everyone else we still believe that situation will be better with time and we are doing everything we can to keep our school open! We will still work to keep the quality in our classes and we hope that we will see you January 17 at our Open House and at our semester classes
with love, Fuego Dance School Family